You are likely to have confidential documents on your computer which were created
before you installed Secure Notes Organizer. You may want to encrypt these documents as well. To
encrypt these you will have to do the following.
From the Tools menu at the top of the program window select
Encrypt File. (You can also access the Encryption module by clicking on the Encryptor
icon from the horizontal icon tool bar immediately
below the menubar). The following dialogue box appears.
This box is common to both encryption and decryption functions.
1 Click the Encryption button to specify you want to encrypt files.
2 From the folder tree on the left hand panel select the document
that you want encrypted.
3 Enter a password in the Password text box.
4 Repeat the same password in the Confirmation text box.
5 If you wish, you can enter a clue in the Riddle text box. This is optional. However, if
you think you that you could forget the password in the future, fill in a clue that you
will associate with the password, should you happen to forget. For
instance, if you entered the password 'encumbrance', you could set the clue to read 'What
obstructs work?' When you are decrypting this particular document
this clue will be displayed in the Decryption window.
6 From the Destiny of Source File options at the bottom select one
of the three options provided. The Shred it option provides maximum security by shredding the original file,
while the Leave it alone option provides the least. Should you choose to destroy it, take care to
memorise the password. Otherwise you will never be able to retrieve the data.
Your file is now encrypted and can be decrypted only by those who possess the password for
that particular file.
This tool is a svery simple analog of SecureAction GUIDESX Encryptor 2000 -